Check OCR

Automatically extract key information from bank checks using our OCR API

Built for Check data extraction

Mindee’s platform automates the extraction and management of bank check data, reducing manual workload, enhancing accuracy, and ensuring compliance. This makes handling bank checks faster, more secure, and highly efficient.

Automate Bank Check Data Extraction

Our Bank Check OCR technology automatically extracts key information from bank checks, such as check numbers, dates, payee names, amounts, and MICR codes. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, saving time and reducing errors. Ensure all critical check data is captured accurately and efficiently for seamless processing.

Streamline Payment Processing

Integrate our Bank Check OCR solution into your payment processing systems to automate the capture and validation of check data in real-time. This accelerates the clearing and reconciliation process, reducing manual effort and improving accuracy. Manage high volumes of checks with ease, enhancing overall payment efficiency.

Ensure Compliance and Fraud Prevention

Digitize and securely store check data with our Bank Check OCR solution to maintain compliance with financial regulations and enhance fraud prevention. Organized, searchable digital records simplify audits and enable quick access to check details. Confidently handle sensitive financial information while ensuring data security and regulatory compliance.

Improve Operational Efficiency

Our Bank Check OCR provides structured check data that can be seamlessly integrated into your financial systems, speeding up check processing, and reducing turnaround times. Leverage accurate, automated data extraction to optimize workflows, reduce errors, and improve decision-making in your payment operations.

Libérez la puissance de l'automatisation des documents

Notre plateforme est conçue pour les professionnels des opérations et les éditeurs de logiciels qui souhaitent optimiser leurs processus reposant sur des documents. Si vous souhaitez gagner du temps, améliorer la qualité des données dans vos systèmes et automatiser des tâches complexes sans effort, Mindee est fait pour vous.

Réduction de 88 % des saisies

Libérez vos employés des tâches fastidieuses

Diminution du taux d'erreur moyen de 30%

Appuyez vous sur une IA de confiance

Réduction des délais de 57 %

Accélérez vos opérations

Check OCR extracted fields

Transform any bank check - paper or digital - into usable data in your software. Free your users from manual entries, remove friction and reduce errors.


The amount written on the check in the currency indicated. The amount can be typed or handwritten. Both are supported.


The list of person names to whom the check is made payable. If multiple payees are indicated then each payees‘ name is extracted.

Check issuance date

The date at which the check has been issued. 
The date is returned in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD.

MICR line

The MICR lines contains the following codes encoded wit the special MICR characters:

- Routing number
- Account number
- Check number

Check’s position

The coordinates of the check’s position within the image.

Signatures’ position

The coordinates of the check signatures within the image. Multiple signatures are supported.

Check OCR - FAQ

Assessing OCR solutions requires an analysis of a couple of critical criteria such as performances for both extraction and response time, ease of integration, pricing... To help you in this process, we have gathered answers to the questions you might have during evaluation. Please reach out to us using our chat if you have further questions regarding our check OCR API.

📄 How can I test the bank check OCR API?

The bank check OCR API is in private beta. If you are interested in testing it, request an early access.

A member of our team will organize a demo and answer any questions you might have.

💸 What is the pricing?

Start trying the check OCR API thanks to the free plan that includes 250 pages monthly.

For monthly consumption above 250 pages, the pricing starts at $0.10 per page and is decreasing gradually. Check our pricing page to see available plans or reach out to our team to know more.

🗺️ What are the supported countries?

Our technology is based on Computer Vision, which means that it relies on image analysis rather than text analysis to extract bank check data. As such, there is no language limitations to the check OCR API.

🖋️ Does it support handwritten fields?

Handwritten fields such as amounts are extracted.

For signatures, the position of the signature on the check is detected and outputted in the API response. If there are multiple signatures on the document, the different positions will be included in the response.

📈️ Does the API support MICR characters?

The MICR Line uses special character to indicate routing number, account number and check number on the check. This 3 MICR codes are used for processes and clearance purposes.

Our models have been trained to support those characters thanks to a specialized MICR OCR. Those 3 fields are available in the API response.

🎯️ Does the OCR work on low-quality image?

Bank check OCR works on digital bank checks and also paper bank checks that are scanned. Our models are trained on a wide variety of documents to make our API robust to various image quality.

To take into account potential ink stains on the check or blur on the scan, we train our models including augmentations. The OCR will be able to read most of the documents as long as they are readable.

⚡ How difficult is it to integrate the API?

The integration is seamless and straight forward. There are different ways of integrating and accessing our API products.

We recommend using our client libraries available in Python, Node, Ruby and Java.

A custom integration can be made using our REST API.

🤓️ Does Mindee offer technical support?

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our team as we offer a wide range of support:
- Access our API and client libraries documentation
- For technical questions regarding integration get help from our slack community
- For pricing plan and commercial questions use our chat and meet with our team

Ce n'est pas ce que vous recherchez ? Nous avons d'autres API d'extraction de documents

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Document Financier

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Justificatif de domicile

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Two people with a resume


Rationalisez le processus d'embauche en extrayant les données pertinentes des CV, notamment les noms, les coordonnées et l'expérience professionnelle.                                                                                       
A bank check

Chèques bancaires

Automatisez l'extraction d'informations à partir de chèques bancaires, telles que les numéros de chèques, les dates et les montants. Idéal pour les services bancaires et financiers.
This is an international ID

Documents d'identités

Extraction de détails clés à partir de pièces d'identité internationales, notamment les numéros d'identification, les noms et les dates de naissance. Convient pour le KYC et la vérification d'identité à l'échelle mondiale.